Scandinavia LoveNotes

Competition rules

Competitions are arranged by Scandinavia LoveNotes and are not sponsored or organised by Facebook or Instagram.

You must be over 18 years of age in order to enter a competition.

By submitting an entry of competition you approve the competitionrules of Scandinavia LoveNotes.

Scandinavia LoveNotes employees cannot participate in any of the company´s competitions nor can sponsored jewelry be part of any competition.

Winners will be appointed by a jury based on post content, or selected through lottery. After conclusion of the competition, winners will be announced on Scandinavia LoveNote´s corresponding post on social media, and the winner/winners will be contacted. The jury´s decision cannot be appealed. The prize is personal and cannot be converted to cash or transferred. Eventual profit tax will be paid by the contendors.

Your competition entry will not be shared with any third party nor shared on social media unless there is an agreement to.

Scandinavia LoveNotes reserves the right to remove comments that are deemed illegal, unethical or immoral.

Scandinavia LoveNotes also reserves the right to alter competition rules or discontinue the competition.